“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”
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Many Bible Studies have returned to in-person, but a few are also being held online. Find a study that fits your needs by clicking below:
Lutheran Hour Ministries is a trusted resource in global media that equips and engages a vibrant volunteer base to passionately proclaim the Gospel to more than 136 million people worldwide each week. We encourage you to check out their devotions and other resources.
In 1948 C. S. Lewis wrote his views on living in a time when the threat of atomic annihilation felt very real. Simply replace the “atomic bomb” with “virus” and the essential question Lewis raises are as relevant today as they have ever been. Here Max McLean delivers Lewis’ address
Holy Cross Lutheran Church and School admits individuals without regard to race, color, gender, disability, age, ancestry, national origin, or veteran status. Holy Cross does not discriminate on the basis of any of the aforementioned categories with regard to the administration of any policy or program.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
600 N Greenwich Rd, Wichita, KS 67206 | (316) 684-5201
Site By: LMG