High Priests and Our Great High Priest
Hebrews 5
Read Hebrews 5:1-10
- What is the relationship between 4:14-16 and 5:1-10?
- What is the task of the high priest? (Exodus 28 & 29, Leviticus 16)
- What enables mortal high priests to minister gently with men?
- Compare the ministry of mortal high priests with that of our “great High Priest.”
- What are the weaknesses and limitations of merely mortal high priests (all high priests but Jesus)?
- Compare and contrast how mortal high priests are appointed with how the Lord Jesus was appointed?
- In what ways is Jesus a superior high priest?
- How did our Lord’s incarnation prepare Him to be our great High Priest?
- Compare Hebrews 2:17-18 with 5:7-9.
- What were some of our Lord’s sufferings during His incarnation?
- How did our Lord’s sufferings “perfect” Him?
- In what ways is our Lord a “high priest in the order of Melchizedek?” (We will study this further in ch. 6 and especially 7)
- Why is our Lord’s high priestly ministry important?
Read Hebrews 5:11- 6:3(context: Hebrews 4:14—6:20)
[Third warning against falling away]
- What has already been said of our Lord’s high priestly ministry?
What new element has been recently introduced that has become the occasion (or reason) for our text (5:11—14)? - What does the author want to discuss with his readers, and why is this difficult?
What evidences of a problem does the author cite?
For these readers, what constitutes “milk” and what constitutes “solid food?”
What indications are we given as to the cause of the condition of the Hebrews?
How could this also be supported from earlier texts in Hebrews? - From what the author has said thus far, would one be inclined to assume that most of the recipients of this epistle are believers, or not? Explain.
- What are some evidences of immaturity? of maturity?
Compare our text with 1 Corinthians 2 and 3. - What constitutes “elementary teaching” about Christ (6:1)?
What teachings are more compatible with maturity? - What might hinder or forbid pressing on to deeper teachings (6:3, following verses)?
- What can be done to encourage those Christians who are stuck on the “baby” level of Christianity to move toward maturing in their understanding and application of God’s Word?
- What is dangerous about never learning how to distinguish between what God’s Word teaches and what is mere human teaching? (see Rom. 10:14; Eph. 4:14)
- What are some things a “mature” Christian is equipped to do that a “baby” Christian is not?