Our church has a great opportunity to be involved and show God’s love on SATURDAY, APRIL 26th.
Sign up here!
God is calling us to “seek the peace and prosperity of the city” (Jeremiah 29:7) and to answer his call, we’ll continue to partner to complete service projects throughout the area.
You can see the list of projects by going to the Holy Cross Blog for LOVE WICHITA.
More specific details will be shared when projects are requested/assigned. Or, for more details call Barb or Carl Fiegenbaum at the following contacts:
Home 316-776-9612
Barb cell 316-371-7981
Carl cell 316-371-0847
or e-mail carl-barb@cox.net,
or Kent Stephens at 684.5201 or kstephens@holycrosslutheran.net.