“Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.”
There are a lot of differnet ways to get involved with CarePortal. Fill out this survey to let us know how you’d like to help and/or join the CarePortal email list.
Learn more about CarePortal, see statistics about how Holy Cross has helped and view open requests by visiting the CarePortal website.
To give a monetary donation to help us meet our goals you can give online or by cash/check in the Church Office. Please designate all donations as “Life Care Ministry“
Give Online
All funds will be utilized to meet immediate CarePortal needs and any blessings above our immediate needs will be used to support our Holy Cross Life Care Ministries (CarePortal, Love for Life, & Project Christmas Hope)
With each delivery, we try to include a bag of nonperishable grocery items, church information, and Christian literature. We would greatly appreciate donations to help us replenish and continue to serve. Follow the link to see our updated wish list.
The CarePortal team here at Holy Cross would love to answer any questions you may have, help you get signed up on the CarePortal dashboard, and/or help you ask for help. Send us an email here:
Holy Cross Lutheran Church and School admits individuals without regard to race, color, gender, disability, age, ancestry, national origin, or veteran status. Holy Cross does not discriminate on the basis of any of the aforementioned categories with regard to the administration of any policy or program.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
600 N Greenwich Rd, Wichita, KS 67206 | (316) 684-5201
Site By: LMG