Care Portal
Volunteer Opportunities

“But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Romans 5:8

Help us be the hands and feet of Jesus here in Wichita.  CarePortal is in need of volunteers in the following areas.  If you’re interested in helping out simply fill out the form below the job descriptions. If you are unsure how you’d like to help, please fill out the form and we will find a role that best fits your gifts.


All Care Portal team members will work with our Care Portal Point Person (Katie). We can determine if emails/phone calls are sufficient or possible team meetings are needed to communicate within the team.

Volunteer Needs

Inventory Manager
Inventory Manager

FILLED – Visit the storage unit (at Webb/Kellogg) regularly and track what goes in/out. Create or maintain organization of what is there… items include non-perishable food items, furniture, bedding, pillows, baby furniture, and more. Helps communicate current needs to the congregation to help restock our shelves.

Delivery Team Leader
Delivery Team Leader

Coordinate drivers to make Care Portal deliveries to families as requests are met. Find helpers with different size vehicles, available on various days/times, for different delivery needs.


FILLED – Take items from our collection shelf at the church to the storage unit at Webb/Kellogg. Regularly check the shelf so it stays tidy and isn’t overflowing. Works with the Inventory Manager to make sure things are stored properly and tracked.

Ministry Leader
Ministry Leader

Keep track of prayer requests before/during/after deliveries and post to Prayer Wall as needed. Consider what books, Bibles, Christian literature to include with each delivery. Help make sure church events are communicated to recipients – i.e. Lent and Easter services, Easter egg hunt, Advent, Christmas services, Fall Festival, etc. Help train and find people to tag along on deliveries to talk to people, pray with them, and love on them.


Delivery Team Leader
Delivery Team Leader

Coordinate drivers to make Care Portal deliveries to families as requests are met. Find helpers with different size vehicles, available on various days/times, for different delivery needs.

Savvy Shopper #1
Savvy Shopper #1

FILLED – Browse garage sales and Facebook Marketplace and shop for dressers, bed frames, and other regularly requested items. Work with Inventory Manager to see what items are in storage and what items we might acquire more of to maintain good inventory.

Savvy Shopper #2
Savvy Shopper #2

FILLED – Go out and shop for specific items when money is given and items aren’t readily available in our storage. This would require going to various stores to purchase items. Looking for sales, coupons, and deals would be great as well! This person might also reach out to local vendors to purchase mattresses on a regular basis, as beds are the number one requested item in Care Portal.

Bed Build Coordinator
Bed Build Coordinator

Beds are still the most requested item for Care Portal and bunk beds are great for sleeping multiple people in small spaces. This person would help acquire lumber and supplies, organize build days, and help ensure beds are ready to go for deliveries. We’d like to consider doing two bed builds a year – maybe March and September.
