Adult Bible Class

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”

2 Corinthians 5:17




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The Gospel According to John Video Playlist

The Gospel According to John | Study Guides

John 20-21
John 20-21

Bible Study – Gospel according to John


Read John 20:1-9

1.   Jews customarily visited the grave for three days after a burial to mourn for their dead.

    But what about Mary Magdalene and the other women?  Why were they so anxious to get  

    there “early on the first day of the week”?  (see also Mark 16:1)

2.   Note the “we” in v.2 – who accompanied Mary Magdalene? (see Mark 16:1; Luke 24:10)  

         How did the women know that they were at the right tomb?  (see Luke23:49, 55-56)

3.   Why did Peter and John run to the tomb?  Why not the other disciples?

4.   Read Matthew 28:11-15 with Jn. 20:1-9 – what are the accusations in both of these?

5.   The phrase “put Him” is used 3 times in John (20:2, 13, 15).  What does this tell us about

         what the women thought?  What would you have thought?

6.   Why does John record that the linen strips and head cloth were still lying neatly in their

         places? (v.5-8)  (compare Jn. 11:43-44)

7.   What is the underlying message of v.9?

Read John 20:10-18

8.   Why did Mary (whom Jesus had cast out 7 demons – Mark 16:9; Luke 8:2) come back to the tomb?

9.   Compare v.13 and 15. Wasn’t the answer to this same question pretty obvious?

10.   Why didn’t Mary recognize Jesus?  (v.15)  When DID she recognize Him? (v.16)

11.   What does Jesus tell Mary? (v.17)  What does He mean by this?

12.   Compare Jn. 20:2 with 20:18!  What made the difference?  

         What makes the difference in us?

Read John 20:19-23

13.   Compare 20:1 with 20:19.  Why were the disciples still behind locked doors?

14.   Why did Jesus appear to them?  (v.21-23)  [Read also Luke 24:13-49]

15.   What was the first thing Jesus said to them?  Why were these words

         important?  Why did He repeat them?

16.   Why did Jesus show them His hands and His side?  (knowing the next section

         is about “doubting” Thomas – were the other disciples any different?  What  

         if we were there?)

Read John 20:19-23 (continued)

17.   What’s the importance of Jesus “breathing” on them?  (see Genesis 2:7;    

         Ezekiel 37:1-14; Acts 2:2)

18.   Who alone has power to forgive sins?  (see Mark 2:7, 10)  So what does v.23

         mean?   (see also Matthew 16:16-19; 18:18)  

         [Review “The Office of the Keys” – part 5 of Luther’s Small Catechism]

Read John 20:24-31

19.   What do we know about Thomas? (v.24-28) see also John 11:16; 14:5

20.   Why didn’t he believe his fellow apostles?

21.   Only John records these appearances of Jesus to His disciples without and

         with Thomas.  What is the message of these appearances?  (v.27-31)

22.   What enables us to believe in Jesus?  (see 1 Peter 1:8-12)

         Note: John was writing to those of us who would not physically see Jesus

         as His disciples and Thomas did!

23.   What do we know about Jesus’ resurrected body?  see 20:19 and 20:27

    The disciples found themselves relating to Jesus in an entirely different way during this 40-day period of time. They were formerly with Him day and night. Now, they only saw Him from time to time. Eight days passed from the time Jesus first appeared to His disciples (John 20:19-23) to the time of His second appearance (John 20:26). He appeared to them only a handful of times in those 40 days (see 1 Corinthians 15:5-7). He came and went in such a way that they never knew when to expect Him. And He did not always look exactly the way He once did—which sometimes caused them to wonder whether or not it was really Him (see Mark 16:12; Luke 24:16, 31; John 21:12). I’m sure the disciples wished for the “good old days,” when they enjoyed much more intimate fellowship with Him. Jesus, however, was “weaning” them from those days, because He would no longer dwell among them as He once had. He was soon to ascend into heaven to be with His Father.

Read John 21:1-14

24.   Why did Peter go fishing?  Why did the others join him?(see also Matt. 28:7, 10;

         Mark 14:28; 16:7)

25.   Why did the disciples not recognize Jesus?  What changed this recognition?

        (compare this with Luke 5:1-11)

26.   Why did Peter put his cloak back on before jumping into the water? (v.7)

      Hendriksen, in an interesting footnote, summarizes some of the fanciful interpretations of the number 153, the exact count of the fish caught that morning: “Among the strange and, for the most part, allegorical interpretations of this item of information I have found the following:   a.) The fish were not counted until the shore had been reached, in order to teach us that the exact number of the elect remains unknown until they have reached the shore of heaven.

b.) The ancients counted one hundred fifty-three varieties of fish!  

c.) There is here a veiled reference to Matt. 13:47, 48, and an indication that all kinds of people are going to be saved.

d.) The reference is to an important date in Church History, namely, 153 A.D.

e.) The total represents the sum of all the numbers from 1 to 17. Well, what of it?

f.) In Hebrew characters the numerical equivalent of Simon Iona is one hundred fifty-three.

g.) The number one hundred fifty-three represents 100 for the Gentiles, 50 for the Jews, and 3 for the Trinity.”

                         Hendriksen, Exposition of the Gospel According to John, II, pp. 483-484, fn. 300.

Read John 21:15-23

27.   Note in v.1-14, Jesus fed His disciples – what does He tell Peter to do in

         these verses?  (review again John 10)

28.   Why did Jesus ask this of Peter 3 times? (It may not have been as a rebuke

         or correction of Peter. Note: this was not the first time Jesus personally

         revealed Himself to Peter after the resurrection, see 1 Corinthians 15:5;

         Luke 24:34).  Note v.15, “more than these?”

29.   With the quick transition from v.17 to 18, remember what Peter had

         promised back in 13:37. What would happen to Peter? (Note: Peter would

         die in a similar way as His Good Shepherd did.

30.   Follow Me” in v.19 – see again John 1:43

31.   Why does John include the question of Peter about John? (v.20-23)  

         Note: by the time John wrote this Gospel, Peter was possibly already dead.

         Note also: instead of focusing on others, what should be our focus?  v.22

32.   Some have said John 21:15-19 is “the Great Commission of John”. Why do they say this?

Read John 21:24-25

33.   Note how John “signs” the Gospel written by inspiration of the Holy Spirit.


John 17-19
John 17-19

Read John 17:1-5

  1. How is this a great example of “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17)?


  1. What themes from John’s Gospel do you read in this “conversational prayer” of Jesus?


  1. What is the significance of Jesus calling God, “Father”?    of us calling God, “Father”?


  1. How would the Father “glorify” Jesus?  How would Jesus “glorify” the Father?


  1. How does a person receive “eternal life”?  (Note who is the active One)

“If one defines eternal life in terms of “knowing God,” then one can hardly think of eternal life in static terms, but rather in dynamic terms.Eternal life is not just a moment in time when one trusts in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. Eternal life begins with the moment of salvation and continues throughout eternity, as one comes to know God.” [1]


Read John 17:6-19

  1. How did Jesus get His disciples?  Why are we followers of Jesus?


  1. What three things does v.8 mention about the disciples?


  1. Jesus is not praying for the world (v.9), should we pray for the world? (see v.21, 23)


  1. Who was “the one doomed to destruction”? (v.12)  See Acts 1:20


  1. What Scripture was fulfilled? (v.12 – see John 13:18; Psalm 41:9)


  1. What is Jesus prayer in v.13-16?  (“In the world, not of the world”)


  1. What does Jesus mean by “sanctify”? (v.17-19)


Read John 17:20-26

  1. For what does Jesus pray for all of us (all believers)?


What is the result of Jesus’ work in us? Read John 18:1-11

  1. In what 4 ways does John write that Jesus died willingly and was in control.



  1. 8
  2. 11


  1. Review John 6:39 with v.9.



  1. Dr. Luke adds a medical note in what he wrote (Lk. 22:51) – what are two additional

pieces of information that John includes here? (not in the Synoptics)


  1. What is “the cup” – v.11?  (see Matt. 20:22; 26:39, 42 – also in Mk and Lk)


Read John 18:12-14

  1. What is strange about the office of the High Priest – v.13?  (Since Caiaphas was the high

priest, why did they take Jesus to Annas first?


  1. What does John remind us about Caiaphas? (see Jn. 11:49-50)


Read John 18:15-18 and  18:25-27  (Peter’s 3-fold denials)

  1. Who was “the other disciple”?  Why did he and Peter come?


  1. What is significant that the first person to question Peter was a slave girl?


  1. Notice the threat of uncovering his lie that Peter faced as he stayed… even from an

eye-witness!  John tells us a relative of Malchus!


  1. What additional information does Matthew give? (see Matt. 26:73)


Read John 18:19-24

  1. How successful was Annas in getting a confession?


  1. What humiliation did Jesus endure before Annas?  What was His response?


Read John 18:28-40

  1. What hypocrisy is evident in these verses?


  1. What problem did Pilate have?  What problem did the Jewish leaders have? (v.28-31)


  1. What “words” had Jesus spoken – v.32 – (see John 3:14; 8:28; 12:32-33; see also

Deut. 21:22-23)


  1. What is the significance of Pilate’s questions of Jesus?  (note all 4 questions v.33-38)


  1. What did Pilate do to try to release Jesus?  Why didn’t it work?


  1. What is the irony of the name “Barabbas”?


Read John 19:1-16

  1. Why did Pilate have Jesus flogged?  (see also Is. 50:6 and 52:14)


  1. Why the mockery by the soldiers?  By Pilate?


  1. Note Pilate’s verdict – (3 times!) here in v.4 and 6 (look back also at 18:38)


  1. What do the leaders tell Pilate is the real reason for their wanting Jesus crucified? (v.7)


  1. Now, how does Pilate react? (v.8-9)


  1. Why did Jesus remain quiet?  When Jesus does speak, what does He tell Pilate? (v.11)


  1. Look back on the “7 scenes in the trial before Pilate”:
  1. 18:28-32
  2. 18:33-38a
  3. 18:38b-40
  4. 19:1-3
  5. 19:4-7
  6. 19:8-12
  7. 19:13-16


Read John 19:17-22

  1. What is the purpose of all the talk of “king”?  (Note Pilate’s revenge – v.19-21

What political reason would Pilate also have for this sign in three languages?)


  1. Why was Jesus crucified in the middle, with one on each side? (v.18)


Read John 19:23-27

  1. What does John include in this Gospel that the Synoptics don’t? (compare with Matt.

27:35; Mk.15:24; Lk. 23:34)


  1. What else does John include that the other Synoptics don’t? v.25-27  (see also 13:23)

What does this teach us about Jesus?  (What about Jesus’ brothers? 7:5; Mk 3:31)


  1. What does this teach us about “the family of God” within the church?


  1. In which Gospel account do we read “the 7 last words of Christ”?


Read John 19:28-30

  1. The “7 Last Words of Jesus” –

1) “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” Luke 23:34

2) “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” Luke 23:43

3) “Jesus said to his mother: “Woman, this is your son”. Then He said to the disciple:

“This is your mother.”  John 19:26-27

4) “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Matthew 27:46 & Mark 15:34

5) “I thirst.” John 19:28

6)  When Jesus had received the wine, He said, “It is finished”; and He bowed His head

and gave up His spirit.  John 19:30

7)  Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit.”

Luke 23:46


  1. Only John tells us Jesus’ final word: “It is Finished” (Matt. 27:50; Mk 15:37 speak of a “loud cry”)  In Greek it is one word: tetelestai – meaning the successful accomplishment of a long, great work with nothing more to be added.  What was “finished”?  (see Hebrews 7:27; 9:26-28; 10:10)


  1. What comfort does this give to us at times when we don’t feel forgiven?


  1. What’s the significance that Jesus died “with a loud cry” (Lk. 23:46)  and He “gave up His

spirit” (Jn.19:30)?


Read John 19:31-37

  1. Why was this a “special Sabbath”?


  1. Why were the legs of the two thieves broken?  Why was it important that Jesus’ legs NOT be broken?  (Exodus 12:46; Numbers 9:12; 1 Corinthians 5:7; Psalm 34:19-20)


  1. Why did the soldier pierce Jesus’ side? What was the result? (see also 1 John 5:6-8;

against gnosticism)


  1. How do we know this is reliable information? (v.35)  Why was it written? (v.35-36)


Read John 19:38-42

  1. What do we know about Joseph of Arimathea (village about 20 miles NW of Jerusalem)?

John 19:38

Matthew 27:57-60

Luke 23:50-51

Mark 15:43


  1. What do we know about Nicodemus?           John 3:1-2


  1. What consequence were both of these men facing?  (see John 12:42)  Also, what risk were they taking by going to Pilate to ask for Jesus’ body?


  1. Read Matthew 27:59-60 along with John 19:41.  Where was Jesus buried?  Why was this

important?  (remember the theme of “king”? also, see Isaiah 53:9)

John 12
John 12

Read John 12:1-11

  1. Why did Jesus come to Bethany?


  1. Why did Mary anoint Jesus? (look back at 11:2)


  1. Why did Judas object?  How do people today continue to demonstrate Judas’ attitude?


  1. See 11:45 with 12:11. (Recall the purpose of John’s Gospel – 20:30-31)


Read 12:12-19

  1. Review 11:54 with this Palm Sunday “parade”.  How ironic! Yet, what does this teach us?  (look ahead to v.23)


  1. John will emphasize Jesus’ royalty throughout the passion narrative. Note what the people add to the words of the Psalm (118:25-26):  a Psalm of praise after overcoming the enemy.


  1. Why did Jesus ride into Jerusalem on a donkey’s colt?


  1. Note the contrast of v.19 with what happened at Jesus’ arrest, trial & crucifixion.


Read John 12:20-36

  1. What request did certain Greeks make?  Why does John record this?


  1. To whom did the Greeks make this request?  Why this person?  (see Jn. 1:40-45 also)


  1. What “hour” is Jesus referring to? (v.23)

How does v.24 & 25 help to explain what Jesus says?


  1. How does a person “lose” their life?  “keep” it?


  1. What are the different means of “glory” in v.23 and in v.28?


  1. What did Jesus not ask of His Father? (v.27)  Why not?


  1. For whose benefit was the audible voice from heaven?  How would this benefit them?


  1. Who is “the prince of this world”? (v.31, see also 14:30; 16:11 and Eph. 2:2)

Why is this a good name for him?  What will happen to him?


  1. How does Jesus “draw all mankind”? (v.32-33)

What does this say to churches which emphasize entertainment and recreation

to attract new members?


  1. What was the misunderstanding of the people? (v.34)


  1. Note John’s themes of light and darkness again.  Where previously has John used these

same themes?


Read 12:37-50

  1. What is the reason the people should have believed in Jesus? (v.37-38)

Why didn’t they believe? (v.39-40)


  1. How and when did Isaiah see Jesus? (v.41, see Isaiah 6)

Have you seen Jesus? (see 2 Cor. 4:6)


  1. What kind of “belief” is recorded in v.42-43?  How does this still happen today?


  1. Why did Jesus come into the world?  (v.47-50;  see again 3:17; 8:15)


  1. Why will people be condemned on the last day?  (v.48)


Note: John 1-12 have recorded major portions of Jesus’ public ministry.  John 13-21 records Jesus’ final days before the crucifixion.



John 9-11
John 9-11

Read John 9:1-12
1. How do these verses tie in with what has already been recorded? (see 8:12 and 9:5)

2. Who were the ones who were blind?

3. Why did Jesus heal this blind man?

G4. What “work of God” was displayed? (v.3)

5. When is the “night” when no one can work?

Read John 9:13-34
6. Why did his neighbors bring him to the Pharisees?

7. What is the irony in v.17?

8. What do these verses teach us about our witness? (v.15, 25, 27-28, 30-34)

9. Why are there blind people today? (v.2, 34)

Read John 9:35-41
10. What is the double meaning of v.37?

11. What does Jesus mean in v.39?

12. How were the Pharisees “blind”?

Read John 10:1-21
13. Why didn’t the Pharisees understand what Jesus was telling them? (See again 8:31; 9:41)
[Psalm 23; Isaiah 40:10-11; Ezekiel 34:11-16]

14. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, what does this say about the identity of the Pharisees? (v.5, 8, 12)

15. How did Jesus have authority to lay down His life and take it up again? (v.17-18)

Read John 10:22-42
16. Why didn’t the Jews recognize Jesus as “the Christ”?

17. Why did the Jews seek to stone Jesus again? (8:58-59; 10:31-33)

18. Why did Jesus “escape their grasp”?

19. Where did Jesus go, and why did He go there?

Read John 11:1-16
20. What was the purpose of Lazarus’ sickness? What purpose can sickness have in our lives?

21. What does Jesus mean by talking about “day and night”? (v.9-10)

22. Why did Jesus wait 2 days? (see v.17 and footnote) What did Jesus want to teach His disciples about death?

23. Thomas was not always “doubting” – see v.16. (Why do we remember him as doubting?)

Read John 11:17-37
24. Why did Martha go out to meet Jesus and Mary stayed at home? (v.20 – see Lk. 10:38-42)

25. Note v.21 with v.32. Why the same statement?

26. How would Martha be able to make such a bold confession about resurrection at the last day?

27. Contrast Martha’s confession (v.27) with “the Jews” (10:24). What is your confession?

28. Why did Jesus weep? (v.35)

29. What is the answer to the people’s question in v.37? Note that Jesus had something even better in mind! How can we remember this in our lives?

Read 11:38-44
30. Why did Martha object? (v.39, see again v.25-27)

31. Why did Jesus pray in public – v.41-42? When are times when we should “pray in public”?

32. Why does John mention “a loud voice”? (v.43)
see again 5:28; Matt. 27:46, 50; 1 Thess. 4:16

Read 11:45-57
33. What was the result of raising Lazarus?

34. What was the concern of the Sanhedrin? Was this a legitimate concern?

35. What was ironic about Caiphas’ rebuke? (v.49-50) What comfort does this give us today?

36. Since Jesus had avoided being stoned twice (Jn. 8:59; 10:31, 39) why did He withdraw now?
(review Jn. 2:4; 7:6-8, 30; 8:20)


John 7 & 8
John 7 & 8

“These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,

and that by believing you may have life in His name.”  John 20:31


Chapters 7 & 8 continue the opposition to Jesus – even threats on His life!

Read John 7:1-13

  1. Why did Jesus avoid Judea?  (see also v. 13, 19, 25, 30, 32, 44; 8:37, 40, 59)


  1. Who are Jesus’ brothers?  v.3, 7  (see Matt. 13:55-57)


  1. What political strategy did they suggest? (v.3-4)


  1. Why did Jesus go to the feast in secret? (v.10-13; see again 7:1)


  1. (7:14-24) Why did Jesus go up “halfway through the feast”? (v.14)


  1. Who were amazed this time?  v.15 (compare with v.1, 12-13) Why were they amazed?


  1. How could the Jews know if Jesus’ teachings come from God? (v.17-18)

How can we know if current teachings are from God or from man?


  1. Now the crowd answered – what did they say?


  1. How did Jesus respond to their accusation?


  1. (7:25-36) What mixed reaction did Jesus receive? (v.27, 31-32)

How is this still evident today?


  1. What is the difference in “knowing” Jesus? (v.27-29)


  1. Why wasn’t Jesus arrested at this “time”?  (see again 2:4; 8:20; 12:23, 27; 13:1; 17:1)


  1. What is the “answer” to Jesus’ “riddle” in v.33-34?


  1. (7:37-52) Teachers usually sat and taught – in what two ways did Jesus get attention?

(see also v.28)


  1. With “living water” see again Jn. 4:10-15.  Note that John gives us the meaning in v.39.


  1. Why were the hearers divided?  How is this still true today?


Read John 8:1-11

  1. If the woman was “caught in adultery”, where was the man?


  1. How did Jesus handle this trap?


  1. What did Jesus write on the ground?  (v.6-8 )


  1. Why did the older ones leave first? (v.9)


  1. Jesus was the only One without sin – yet what does He say? (v.11)  What does this teach us? (see again John 3:17)


  1. What happened to this woman after this?


Read John 8:12-30

  1. After this “interruption” – Jesus again spoke to “the people” – v.12  To whom was He speaking before this? (see 7:37-53 and 8:2f)


  1. With Jesus’ “I am” statement – review again Jn. 1:4-13; 3:19-21.


  1. What was the Pharisee’s problem? (v.14, 19)  Why do people have problems with reading the Bible?


  1. With v. 15 – see again the context of Jn. 8:1-11.


  1. What is the only way that we can “know the Father”? (v.19, see also 1:18)


  1. Review again Jn. 5:18; 7:1, 30, 44.  When was Jesus “time / hour”? (see Jn 12:23, 27-28; 13:1; 17:1)


  1. Where was Jesus “going” where they could not come? (v.21-27)  Why couldn’t they come?


  1. When was Jesus “lifted up”? (v.28; review 3:14-16 and see 12:32)


Read John 8:31-41

  1. How were the Jews to “hold to Jesus’ teachings”?


  1. Why didn’t the Jews know the truth?


  1. How are we all “enslaved”? (see Rom. 6:16)


  1. How are we set free?  (v.32, 36)


  1. Who is our “father”?


  1. what message may v. 41 have included?


Read John 8:42-47

  1. Why were the Jews unable to hear what Jesus was saying?


  1. Why do people today not “hear” Jesus’ words?


  1. How do we “hear” Jesus words today?


Read John 8:48-59

  1. What “double slam” did the Jews say of Jesus?


  1. What further “proof” does Jesus tell them? (v.52, 55, 58)


  1. Why did the Jews seek to stone Jesus? (Lev. 24:16)



The Gospel of John 5 & 6
The Gospel of John 5 & 6

“These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.”  John 20:31


John 5 & 6 (companion chapters) – ch. 5, antagonism in Jerusalem; ch. 6, in Galilee


Read 5:1-15  (sign #4)

  1. Reviewing 4:1-3, why did Jesus go up to Jerusalem?


  1. Since there was “a great number of disabled people…” why did Jesus heal this man?


  1. Why did Jesus ask him if he wanted to get well? (v.6)


  1. Why was the man cured?  (v.8-13)


  1. What does this teach us about healing from God?


  1. Why did Jesus heal this man on the Sabbath?


  1. What does Jesus mean in v.14?


  1. Did this man believe in Jesus?


Read John 5:16-30

  1. Why did the Jewish leaders want to kill Jesus? (v.18)


  1. How does Jesus explain to these doubters that He is true God? (v.21)


  1. What are examples of honoring the Father and not the Son?  What about honoring the Son

and not the Father?


  1. Note how Jesus again talks about “eternal life” – (3:15, 16, 36)


  1. What does Jesus teach about the resurrection in v.25, 28-29?


Read John 5:31-47

  1. What “testimony” does Jesus point His hearers to observe?
  2. 33
  3. 36
  4. 37
  5. 39
  6. 46
  7. What is the key to studying Scripture?  (v.39-40)


  1. How does Jesus reprimand these Jewish leaders? (v.42-44)


  1. How important was Moses to these Jewish leaders?  What is the point that Jesus is making?


Read John 6:1-15 (“sign” #5)

  1. Why were “large crowds” following Jesus? (v.2)


  1. What is the significance of Jesus’ question to Philip? (v.5-6)


  1. What was significance in Philip’s answer? (v.7)


  1. What was the significance in Andrew’s answer? (v.8-9)


  1. Why did Jesus have the people sit down? (v.10-11)


  1. What is the significance of the “left overs”?  (v.12-13)


  1. Note that John reminds us of “the miraculous sign” – v.14


  1. What did the people mean when they said, “Surely this is the Prophet…”?

(see 1:21 as well as Deut. 18:15)  What did the people expect of “the Prophet”?

How did Jesus handle this situation? (v.15)


  1. Jesus IS the King of kings – but what did the people want? (v.15)

What kind of “king” is Jesus? (look ahead at 18:36)


  1. (6:16-24) Why didn’t the disciples wait for Jesus?


  1. How difficult would it have been for the disciples to row the 3 / 3 ½ miles?

How difficult was it for Jesus to walk out to them?  What does this teach us?


  1. (6:25-40) Why were the people looking for Jesus? (v.24-26)


  1. What does Jesus teach the people?  (v.27-29  – “not achieve but only receive”) How is this wrong kind of thinking still very prevalent today?  What is “the work of God” that we must do?  How, only, can we do it?  (look back at 1:10-13, 18; 2:22; 3:3, 14-18, 36; 4:10, 39-42; 53)


  1. They still didn’t get it, so how did they challenge Jesus?

(v.30 – sounds like one of the temptations of Jesus!)


  1. Note this 3rdtime – v.27, 29, 33 – What is Jesus’ clear message that the people are missing?


  1. What did the people want? (v.34) – what better gift did Jesus give them?

(v.35, and the gracious promise of v.36-40!)


  1. Note – v.35 is the 1stof 7 “I Am’ statements of Jesus

(see also 8:12; 9:5; 10:7,9; 10:11,14; 11:25; 14:6; 15:1, 5)


  1. Who is doing the work in v.37-39? (contrast with v.28)


  1. What is repeated 6 times? (v.33, 38, 41, 50-51, 58)  Why this repetition?


  1. What is repeated 4 times? (v.39, 40, 44, 54) Why?


  1. (6:41-51) Now, what were the Jews  grumbling about?  (“familiarity breeds contempt”)

Can this happen to life-long members of a church?  What prevents this from happening?


  1. What is the bold contrast between the manna in the Wilderness and Jesus, the Bread of Life?


  1. How were the Jews to “eat” Jesus?


  1. (6:52-59) From “grumbling” (v.41-42) to “arguing” (v.52). Why were they arguing?


  1. How were they to “eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood”?


  1. (6:60-71)Now who is  grumbling?  Why?


  1. How was this a “hard” teaching?


  1. What is the onlyway to “accept” this hard teaching? (v.65)


  1. What does Peter reveal in his confession? (v.68-69)


  1. What does Jesus reveal in His reply?  (v.70-71)


The Gospel of John 3 & 4
The Gospel of John 3 & 4

“These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,

and that by believing you may have life in His name.”  John 20:31

Nicodemus / Women at Well – John 3:1- 4:54


Scan John 3:1- 4:42  (two related stories)

  1. Who are the two people that Jesus encounters?  How were they similar?  different?


  1. Note: most people did not fully understand what Jesus said because they did not fully

understand who Jesus is.  The two go hand in hand!  Who is Jesus for you?


  1. (3:1-21)  Why did Nicodemus come to Jesus at night?  (review 1:5; look ahead to 13:30)

What else does John tell us about Nicodemus?  Jn. 7:50f and 19:39f


  1. What did Nicodemus want to know?  What did Jesus tell Nicodemus?


  1. Note the repetition of “I tell you the truth”, v.3, 5, 11 (note also 4:18, 23-24; as well as

throughout this Gospel 5:19, 24, 25; 6:26, 32, 47, 53, etc.

Why did Jesus repeat this so often?


  1. What does Jesus mean by “born again”?  (read v.6 with 2:25)


  1. How did Jesus help Nicodemus understand what He was saying? (review 1:11-13)


  1. What does Jesus mean by “lifted up”? v.14; see also 8:28 and 12:32


  1. With v.19-21 (light / darkness), review again 1:3-5.  Was Nicodemus in light or darkness?


  1. (3:22-35) What was the concern of some of John’s disciples?  What was John’s concern?


  1. What did John teach his disciples about who he was?  about who Jesus is? (v.27-36)

How did John know this?


  1. (4:1-26) Why did Jesus leave Judea and begin back to Galilee, stopping at Sychar (in

Samaria!)? (see both v.1-3, but especially v.4-7)


  1. What was so strange about Jesus’ encounter with this woman? v.6, 9, 10


  1. With v.10 & 14, see again 3:5. (look ahead to 7:37-38; and 19:34)


  1. Why did Jesus talk to this woman about her husband?




  1. What is the question this woman asked Jesus? v.11-12.


What answer does Jesus give? v.13-14  (kind of sounds like the conversation with



  1. Jesus revealed Himself to this Samaritan woman! v.25-26 – review again 2:24-25


  1. (4:27-42) Why were Jesus’ disciples surprised when they returned?  Why were they silent?


  1. What is the significance that this woman left her water jar? v. 28


  1. At this time, for Jesus, what was more important than eating?  Why?  (Although not in

John, remember the temptation from Satan after Jesus had fasted in the Wilderness?)

What was Jesus teaching His disciples?  (look ahead to ch. 6 the whole context,

espec. v.27, 35)


  1. What is the message Jesus wanted His disciples to learn by changing the image to that of

sowers and reapers? (v.35-38)


  1. (Jn. 4:39-42) The theme of this Gospel is 20:30-31 – note this with 4:39-42

Note also the reason why so many more became believers – 4:40-41.

How do people today become / remain believers?


Read 4:43-54 (3rd of 7 “signs”)

  1. Note again 4:1-3, why was Jesus returning to Galilee?


  1. What does John want us to know from v.44?  (see Matt. 13:53-57; Lk. 4:20-30)


  1. What a surprise! V.45 – or was it?  (see also v.48)


  1. Why does Jesus respond to the royal official in this way?  (Note v.48, “you people” means all of them, not just the official.)


  1. What did the official want Jesus to do?  What did Jesus do?

What lesson do we learn from this?


  1. What was the result of Jesus healing the son?  (v.53)

Review again the purpose of this Gospel, Jn. 20:31


The Gospel of John 2:1-25
The Gospel of John 2:1-25

“These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,

and that by believing you may have life in His name.”  John 20:31

Signs #1 & #2 – John 2:1-25


John 2-11 (“the book of signs” – 7 signs, the 8th is the resurrection!)

1) 2:1-11  water into wine

2) 2:12-25 cleansing the Temple

3) 4:43-54  healing official’s son

4) ch. 5 healing at Bethesda

5) ch. 6 Feeding 5,000 and sermon of Bread of Life

6) ch. 9 healing of the man born blind

7) ch. 11  raising of Lazarus from the dead


READ John 2:1-25 (yes, it is two sections – His 1st miracle and cleansing the Temple)

  1. Did you notice the sharp contrast between these two sections?


Note what John writes about this Gospel that he records:  John 20:30-31 and 21:25.


What was John’s purpose in including these two sections and putting them together

at the beginning of this Gospel?


  1. (Back to 2:1-11) Where did Jesus perform His first miracle? What was the occasion?

What was the problem? What does this tell us about Jesus?


  1. What did Mary expect of Jesus? (v.3)


  1. How did Jesus address His mother? (v.4, see also 19:26) Was Jesus being condescending?


  1. Note the theme of “My time” in 2:4; 7:30; 8:20; 12:23, 27; 13:1; 17:1.


  1. What does Mary’s instructions to the servants tell us about Mary?


  1. Why does John mention that the 6 water jars were for ceremonial washing?


  1. Why does John mention that they “were filled to the brim”?


  1. Why so much “best wine”?see Joel 2:24; 3:18; Amos 9:13


  1. Note John’s use of the word “sign” – here,

4:54;                            6:14;                       9:16;                           11:47





Note also the purpose of these “signs” – here, v. 11,

also 1:14;                3:2;                  4:48;                6:2, 14, 26, 30;


12:37;              20:30


  1. (2:12-25) What is the significance of the Jewish Passover? (Ex. 12:11-23)

See also 3 Passovers in John?   a) Jn. 2:13, 23; b) 6:4; and c) 11:55; 13:1


  1. Why were there money changers and sellers of animals at the temple?Why was Jesus so

angry with them?  Is anger wrong?  How does your faith help you to handle your anger?


  1. Jesus’ 1st “sign revealed His glory” v.11 – what about this 2nd “sign”? (v.17-18)


  1. What “sign” did Jesus promise?(Note this is the 8th of the “signs” in John!)  See v.22 & 23


  1. Why didn’t Jesus “entrust Himself to them”? v.24-25(read these verses also with ch. 3)













The Gospel of John 1:19-51
The Gospel of John 1:19-51

“These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,

and that by believing you may have life in His name.”  John 20:31

John (the Baptist) and 1st Disciples – John 1:19-51


  1. Note again the key words (so far) in this special Gospel:
  2. Word – logos Jn. 1:1, 14; 4:39-42
    b. life  Jn. 1:4; 3:15-16
    c.  light / darkness  Jn. 1:4-9; 3:18-21
    d.  witness  Jn. 1:7-8, 32-34; 3:11
    e.  believe  Jn. 1:7, 12; 3:15-18
    f.   only begotten – One and Only  Jn. 1:14, 18; 3:16
    g.  glory  Jn. 1:14 (see Ex. 24:15-18; 33:18-23; 40:34-35)
    h.  grace and truth  Jn. 1:14, 17


  1. See again John 1:1, 14 and 18.


Read John 1:19-28

  1. Why would the priests and levites think that John was “Elijah”?(2 Kgs. 2:11 – what was

Elijah’s message?)  How interesting that Jesus would say that John WAS “Elijah”

(Mt. 11:14; 17:10-13 in fulfillment of Malachi 4:5. See also Lk. 1:17)


  1. What did the priests and levites mean by “the prophet”? (see Deut. 18:15, 18)


  1. How did John identify himself?What does this tell us about John?


  1. Why was John baptizing?


  1. Note again this Gospel’s theme of “among you stands One you do not know” – 1:10-11;



Read John 1:29-34

  1. Again, note the Genesis theme: 1:1 “In the beginning” – here, “the next day” v.29 – look

ahead at 1:35; 43 and 2:1.  Why does John write this way?


  1. Why would John refer to Jesus as “the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”?


  1. How did John know that his cousin, Jesus was the Messiah, the “Son of God”?


  1. How do we know that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God?





Read John 1:35-42

  1. What follows Jesus’ baptism in Matt. 4; Mark 1 and Luke 4?


  1. Who were the two disciples that had been following John but now followed Jesus?


  1. What was the first thing that Andrew did?How can we be like Andrew?


  1. What is the significance of giving Simon, son of John the new name, Cephas (Peter)?

(Jesus gave him this name not for what he was, but for what, by God’s grace, he would become!

see also Matt. 16:18)


Read John 1:43-51

  1. How was Philip like Andrew? (see v.41 and v.45)


  1. What do we know about Nathaniel?


  1. Nazareth is a rather small, obscure town never mentioned in the Old Testament. (but see

Matt. 2:21-23.)  In Jesus’ day, “Nazarene” was synonymous for “despised” – therefore,

Nathaniel’s response to Philip.


  1. What was Philip’s reply to Nathaniel’s sarcasm? (v.46)(compare this also with v.37-39)

What lesson does this teach us about witnessing?


  1. For the significance of v.48, read Micah 4:4.


  1. Note the confession of Nathaniel, v.49 (see also 11:27 and 20:31)


  1. What “greater things” (v.50) would Nathaniel “see”?(with v.51 see also Gen. 28:12-16)


  1. John and Nathaniel both call Jesus “the Son of God”, but what was Jesus’ favorite

designation for Himself? (v.51)  Why?

(see 3:13-14; 5:27; 6:27. 53, 62; 8:28; 9:35; 12:23, 34; 13:31)



The Gospel of John 1:1-18
The Gospel of John 1:1-18

Introduction for the Gospel of John

We are blessed to have 4 Gospel accounts:

Matthew, Mark and Luke are similar –

“Synoptic” – “syn” – together with + “optic” – seeing

91% of Mark is contained in Matthew

53% of Mark is contained in Luke

Matthew and Luke have 235 verses in common not found in Mark

“In reading through the four Gospels, one finds that Matthew refers to the Apostle John by name three times; Mark ten times; Luke seven times, and John not at all.

John does refer to the “sons of Zebedee” in 21:2, and there are allusions to himself in 13:23; 18:15-16; 19:26-27; 20:1-10; 21:7, 20-23, 24. It is not at all surprising that John would refrain from directly referring to himself by name. Neither does he specifically refer to the “inner three” (Peter, James, and John—see Mark 5:37; Matthew 17:1; Mark 14:33) in his Gospel.

Of the four authors of the New Testament Gospels, two (Mark and especially Luke) were not present with our Lord as one of His 12 disciples. Matthew was not one of the inner three. And so while Matthew can write about our Lord’s ministry from the perspective of one of the nine “outside” disciples, it is only John who can describe certain critical events from the perspective of one of the inner three. Each Gospel thus has its own purpose, its own perspective, its own audience, and its own unique contribution.

 What Is Missing in John’s Gospel

When you compare John with the other three (Synoptic) Gospels, you discover that John does not include many of the elements contained in the other Gospels. When compared with the Synoptic Gospels, John’s Gospel does not include …

  • Jesus’ genealogy
  • an account of our Lord’s birth
  • any events in our Lord’s childhood
  • our Lord’s baptism
  • our Lord’s temptation
  • the Sermon on the Mount
  • the account of John the Baptist’s doubts
  • any casting out of demons
  • any healing of lepers
  • any parables of our Lord
  • an account of our Lord’s transfiguration
  • the selection and sending out of the 12, or of the 70
  • any eschatological (prophetic) address
  • a pronouncement of woes on the religious leaders (e.g. Matthew 23)
  • the institution of the Lord’s Supper
  • an account of our Lord’s agony in the Garden of Gethsemane
  • the giving of the Great Commission
  • an account of our Lord’s ascension

What Is Found Only in John’s Gospel?

Lest we feel short-changed by a reading of John’s Gospel, there is much in John which is not found in any of the other Gospels.

  • Jesus as the Creator (John 1)
  • Jesus as the “only begotten” of the Father (John 1)
  • Jesus as the promised “Lamb of God” (John 1)
  • Jesus revealed as the great “I Am” (7 times: 6:35; 8:12; 10:7; 10:11; 11:25; 14:6; 15:1)
  • Jesus turning the water into wine (John 2)
  • Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus (John 3)
  • Jesus’ conversation with the woman at the well (John 4)
  • Jesus and the woman caught in adultery (John 8)
  • the raising of Lazarus from the dead (John 11)
  • Jesus washing the disciples’ feet (John 13)
  • the Upper Room Discourse of our Lord (John 14-17)
  • Jesus’ teaching on the coming of the Holy Spirit (John 14-16)
  • Jesus’ high priestly prayer (John 17)

In summation, over 90% of the material found in the Gospel of John is unique to his Gospel. John has avoided the unnecessary repetition of those things the other Gospel writers have already told us, choosing to devote his attention to that which we have not yet been told. In the process of doing this, we find that the teaching of John’s Gospel provides us with much “inter-locking” truth, which not only goes beyond what we are told elsewhere, but which helps to make better sense of what we are told elsewhere in the Gospels.”


John makes a great contribution by the use of “signs” which attest to our Lord’s deity and claims to be Israel’s Messiah. These signs are …

  1. Turning water into wine in Cana (2:1-11)
  2. Healing an official’s son in Capernaum (4:46-54)
  3. Healing an invalid at the Pool of Bethesda (or Bethsaida) in Jerusalem (5:1-18)
  4. Feeding the 5,000 near the Sea of Galilee (6:5-14)
  5. Walking on the water of the Sea of Galilee (6:16-21)
  6. Healing a blind man in Jerusalem (9:1-7)
  7. Raising dead Lazarus in Bethany (11:1-45)


(source: That You Might Believe: A Study of the Gospel of John, by Robert Deffinbaugh,, Biblical Studies Press 1998)


“These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,

and that by believing you may have life in His name.”  John 20:31

Prologue – John 1:1-18


Read John 1:1-5

  1. What message does John give by starting the Gospel with the words from Genesis 1:1?
  2. How powerful ae words? What gives words their power? What is the powerful message as John introduces Jesus as “the Word”?
  3. What is the significance of the theme: “life”? (see 1:4; 20:31; see also 3:16; 5:40; 10:10; 17:2)
  4. What is the significance of the themes: “light” and “darkness”? (see 1:5; 3:19; 8:12; 12:35, 46)


Read John 1:6-9

  1. What was John’s purpose? (Note: this is John the Baptizer.)  “Witness” is another important theme and concept in this Gospel (as a noun used 14 times; as a verb “testify” used 33 times!)
  2. Why did John come to “testify concerning the light”? “Believe is another important theme and concept in this Gospel – used some 98 times!  Note the theme verse of John – 20:31.


Read John 1:10-14

  1. Why didn’t (doesn’t) the world “recognize” “the true light”? (look ahead to Jn. 3:19-20)
  2. How does a person become a “child of God”? (again, look ahead at Jn. 3:3f)
  3. What is the significance of “the Word became flesh and made His dwelling (literally ‘tabernacle’ among us”?


Read John 1:15-18

  1. How could Jesus be “before John”?  John was born at least 6 months before Jesus (see Lk. 1)
  2. Why the contrast between “the law of Moses” and “grace and truth”? [“Truth” is also an important word / theme – used 25 times and linked closely with Jesus, the Truth (Jn. 14:6)]

