Small Group Bible Studies

“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”

Isaiah 55:12

As we encounter God’s Word together, we have an opportunity to share our different perspectives and insights.  Group Bible study is not just valuable, it is invaluable because Christianity was never intended to be a spectator sport. Small group study is so effective that Jesus used it to train the men who would be known as the apostles (Luke 6:12).

We offer a number of Small Group Bible and Book study options throughout the week.

A detailed lists of ALL studies offered can be found HERE.

Women's Small Groups

Women's Small Groups

There are a number of women’s studies available during the week and on weekends.  Weekday small group options include: 3 different Lifelight options, a young mom’s group, a senior’s group and more.  Check out details of each topic on the Bible Study page

Men's Small Groups

Men's Small Groups

Our Men’s Ministry offers 2 different Bible Study options during the week.  One meets every Wednesday and the other meets twice a month on Tuesday mornings. Check out details of each on the Bible Study page

Young Adults

Young Adults

In addition to our own Young Adult Ministry, Holy Cross proudly supports the Lutheran Student Center at WSU.  Bible Study options are listed here, or check them both out on social media.

Holy Cross Young Adult Ministry

Lutheran Student Center



The ages and circumstances of those who have and continue to participate in Singles vary widely. Single, divorced and widowed adults all find fellowship in our group.

We meet on the 1st & 3rd Monday of the month in different locations.  Check out the Singles page for more details

Young Couples

Young Couples

We are in the process of adding a Young Couples group.  If you are interested please contact Brian Amey if you are interested