Welcome Back

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”

1 Timothy 4:12

Phase 1

Phase 1

  • All worship and group gatherings will be suspended or available online only.
  • The Church Office will remain open with regular M-F, 8-5 hours.
  • We will begin to phase out of this stage mid-May 2020
Phase 2

Phase 2

  • See below for return to worship guidelines
  • Bible studies & ministry groups may gather together at the discretion of their members. No Blessing Place, busy bags, or Sunday School
  • C19 safety measures such as social distancing, masks, available hand sanitizer, on screen order of worship and more.
  • Please stay home & contact your doctor if you have any symptoms of illness.
Phase 3

Phase 3

  • There is no set start date for this phase, we will continue to monitor local, state and national guidelines as to when unrestricted gathering will become available.
  • Blessing Place, Sunday School, Bible Studies and group gatherings return to a normal schedule
  • Online Worship opportunities will continue to be offered even after all restrictions are removed.

As we return to in-Person Worship, please remember the following guidelines….


  • You are encouraged to bring and wear a face mark for worship on Saturday night (6 p.m.) and the early Sunday service (8:15 a.m.) as a way to demonstrate care for yourself and for others.
  • Sunday 11:00 am worship service will be a “masks-only” service.  All parishioners will be required to wear a mask. If you forget yours at home, one will be provided for you.
  • Ushers/Greeters will be stationed at the doors to open the doors as people enter/exit.
  • We will be observing “Social Distancing” guidelines of six feet, and be seated in the Worship Center in a “Checker Board” arrangement.
  • We will use one service order, following the pattern we have used over the last several months. Saturday evening worship will, once again, utilize the services of the Praise Team playing contemporary music, while the Sunday morning services will be led in traditional Lutheran hymnody accompanied by the organ.  The entire service order will be available printed and on the screens.
  • Worshippers are asked to please wear masks and “sing into their bulletins” in order to inhibit the spread of germs.
  • Offerings will be received in two offering boxes – one at the front of the church and the other just outside the Worship Center.
  • Attendance cards can be placed in offering boxes or in the attendance card drop-box on your way out of the Worship Center.
  • All worshippers will be encouraged to practice “slow dismissal.”
  • Following the worship services, the pastors will stand in the Entryway to the Worship Center to greet any worship attendees who would like to do so. Others may exit directly to the parking lots.
  • Worshippers will be asked not to congregate in the Entryway, but rather, to move to the parking lots for further conversation if they feel comfortable in doing so.
  • At those services when we celebrate Holy Communion, distribution will take place utilizing continuous communion, as we do on Saturday evenings. All communion assistants will use hand-sanitizer before distribution and will wear masks and gloves.