
“I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me.”

Psalm 16:8

Be a LIFESAVER, join a ministry!

Scripture is clear that we are called to be faithful stewards, to joyfully return to the Lord a portion of what He has graciously given us, and to share our treasures with others.  Giving of ourselves and our gifts is our response to God’s love and grace.

The 2 forms below will allow you to make a commitment to the ways in which you plan to give to the Lord through your time (e.g., volunteerism/service), through your talents (e.g., special skills needed by the church), and through your treasures (e.g., donations, tithing, and planned giving).  We invite you to fill out the intended giving form for your family as a whole and the Ministry Involvement form for each adult family member.

 Our goal is to be a church that truly has every member in ministry.”

If you have questions you may call the Church Office at 684-5201.