Lutheran Women in Mission

“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Psalm 118:24

The Lutheran Women in Mission is an organization of women dedicated to mission education and support, spiritual growth, and joyful service to the Lord.

The LWML motto, “Serve the Lord with Gladness,” is based upon Psalm 100:2



Complete our membership survey

"Serve the Lord with Gladness"

Holy Cross LWML is group of women who joyfully serve in a variety of ways.
  • coffee during fellowship on Sunday mornings
  • assist with weddings and receptions
  • send cards to parish members
  • serve funeral dinners/receptions.
When Are Meetings?

When Are Meetings?

The Holy Cross LWML Group hosts four meetings a year.  Meetings are generally held in September, November, January, and May.  The LWML also hosts a Women’s Retreat in March.  LWML members may also join a smaller fellowship and service group called a circle.  The Sarah Circle generally meets in October, December, February and April.

"Mission" Is IN Our Name

LWML supports various missionaries and missions within our church community and beyond.
Some of these include: Lutheran Bible Translators, Concordia Seminary students as well as District and National LWML projects.
For more information on Missions LWML supports check out the latest issue of The Kansas Sonshine.


Membership in the Holy Cross LWML Group is available to any woman who is a communicant member of the LCMS.  If you are interested in joining please complete this survey.
Members of the Holy Cross LWML Group may also participate in a smaller group called Sarah Circle.  The Sarah Circle meets four times a year for Bible study and to complete mission projects that help support the mission of the LWML.
Coffee Hour

Coffee Hour

Did you know your “coffee hour” donations provide monthly support for:
Mighty Mites

Mighty Mites

The “Mite Box” is used to collect monetary offerings which are used to further God’s kingdom through the mission grants selected at district and national LWML conventions.  A large Mite Box is available for donations on the LWML table near the bell tower entrance.  Checks should be made payable to Holy Cross with LWML Mites in the memo line.  A special “5th Sunday Mite Collection” is taken on the fifth Sunday of months with five Sundays.  Visit or to read about the mission grant recipients.
LWML Women’s Retreat 2025

LWML Women’s Retreat 2025

Hosted by: Holy Cross Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML)
When: March 1, 2025, 9:00 am – 2:30 pm

Where: Holy Cross Lutheran Church – 600 N Greenwich, Wichita KS

Register Here


Additional LWML Resources

Below you will find additional resources for LWML locally and nationwide.

Kansas District LWML

National LWML

KS LWML Facebook

Contact Us