I’m New! Now What?

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

Welcome to Holy Cross

We welcome you as part of God’s family here at Holy Cross!  We look forward to meeting you soon so that we may welcome you face-to-face and count you amongst our friends.


We invite you to please join us weekly at one of our 5 Worship times:

Saturday: 6:00pm (contemporary)

Sunday: 8:00am (traditional), 10:37 (modern) & 11:00am (less traditional)

Online : LIVE Sundays @ 8 & 10:37

(online services remain available on demand anytime after end of service)


More about Worship     What we believe    Weekly Bible Studies

Should you have any questions, please feel free to call us at (316) 684-5201 or email us at office@holycrosslutheran.net.

What You Can Expect

Here are Holy Cross Lutheran Church we offer you a place where you can:

Grow in Faith

Meet Friends

Find Family Activities

Build Relationships

Weekly Events

Throughout the week there are various gatherings of people. These include:

Wish to Become a Member?

Step 1:

Talk to one of our pastors

  • When you are here for worship
  • Call the church office (316-684-5201) to talk to them during the week.

Step 2:

Attend HC102: Discovering our Faith

(Optional for LCMS transfers)

This multi-session class is:

  • Geared for new members
  • Great refresher course
  • Meets in the Church Library on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30am

This class is designed as an instruction for those who would like to learn about the basic teachings of the Lutheran Church and as a preparation for those not raised in the LCMS church wanting to take communion and become a church member.


Step 3:

Join our family!

  • Upon completion of our HC 102 class, please fill out our family information form so we can learn more about you.
  • If you are a member of another LCMS congregation, please call the church office (316-684-5201) so we can let you know what to do to transfer your membership. Then complete our family information form.

family information form