“The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my Savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.”
The “&” in Witness & Service underscores that there are two different elements to this ministry at Holy Cross. Witness is the work we have been given to do as Christians. We have opportunities to speak of Jesus with the people in our everyday lives. Service is the work we do together as a church. It is the combined effort of outreach, ministries, events and other activities through which we invite and include others into our church family. Witness & Service are distinct, but they work together so people will know of Jesus and be gathered into His Church through us.
The Witness and Service Commission usually meets the 2nd Monday of each month and invites all members of the congregation to attend. Check the Church calendar for dates and times or contact Erica Gaither for more information.
Once a month the Witness & Service commission and volunteers from our congregation come together to prepare and serve a meal for our members and their guests. Our 2nd Saturday meal takes place after Saturday Worship Service (usually around 7:00 p.m.) on the 2nd Saturday of every month. It provides a wonderful opportunity for fellowship, we hope you’ll join us for our next meal. If you are interested in volunteering or preparing a meal please contact Kathy Beal.
Meets in the Church Office twice a month area to write notes of appreciation, make a friendly phone contact to worship guests, write care notes, or prepare letters of welcome to people new to our community or other specialized mailings. All are welcome to attend, please contact Sara Schubert with any questions.
On the first Wednesday of every month volunteers from Holy Cross prepare and serve a meal to the homeless community in Wichita. If you’d like to be a part of this amazing team of volunteers or would like to donate food for the meal please contact Sharon Pauls.
We strive to educate, inspire and enlist our church in the global mission of sharing the Good News of Christ. To learn more about mission opportunities please contact Erica Gaither
Throughout the year Witness & Service hosts a number of congregational and community outreach events. A few include our annual Easter Egg Hunt, Mother’s Day Baby Bottle Campaign, the Blessing of the Backpacks and school supply drive, and our Fall Festival with Trunk or Treat. For more information or to be a part of one of these events please contact Erica Gather
Holy Cross Lutheran Church and School admits individuals without regard to race, color, gender, disability, age, ancestry, national origin, or veteran status. Holy Cross does not discriminate on the basis of any of the aforementioned categories with regard to the administration of any policy or program.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
600 N Greenwich Rd, Wichita, KS 67206 | (316) 684-5201
Site By: LMG