Isaiah 1-4

April 1, 2017 all-day

Isaiah 1-4 “Though Your Sins Are Like Scarlet…”

How long was this “vision”?  (during reigns of Uzziah – Hezekiah! – see 2 Kgs. 14:21- 20:21)  How were they “trampling My courts”? (1:12) How do we still do this today?  How “tough” is the stain of sin? (1:18)  What is the only “stain remover”?   When are “the last days” (2:2) “in that day” (2:17, 20; 3:7, 18; 4:1, 2)  What / Who is “the Branch of the Lord” – (look ahead to 11:1-5; 53:2)  What is where is “Zion”?